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Privacy terms:

The company FOP Merkulov Nikita Mykhailovych (hereinafter - "the company") respects
confidentiality and privacy of its customers. This Privacy Policy
explains how the company collects, uses and protects any information,
which you provide to the company when visiting and using the site (hereinafter - the "site").

Collection of information:

The Company may collect various information from you, including but not limited to:
including, but not limited to, name, email address, phone number, and others
contacts. In addition, the company may collect information about you
purchases, including but not limited to details about goods and services that you
purchased from the company.

Use of information:

The Company uses the information it collects for better understanding
needs and interests of its customers, to improve the quality of services and goods that
it provides, and to ensure convenience and efficiency of use
site In addition, the company may use the information for
sending you information about new products, promotions and other offers.

Disclosure of information to third parties:

The Company does not disclose any personal information you provide to the Company,
to third parties, except when it is necessary for implementation
operations with purchase, delivery and other related services.

COOKIE files:

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your
computer while visiting the site They
allow the site to store your settings and session information so that
make the use of the site more convenient and efficient.

Cookies are collected on the website of FOP Merkulov Nikita Mykhailovych
various information, including but not limited to information about

site usage and some personal information. Using files
cookie, the company can analyze user behavior on the site, for
improving the quality of services and goods it provides. Also, cookies
may be used to support authorization and retention
user settings.


Users can disable cookies in their settings
browser, but this may lead to a limitation of the functionality of the site and
decrease in usability.


The company undertakes not to share any information collected for
with the help of cookies, to third parties without your prior consent, for
except when it is necessary to carry out purchase transactions,
delivery and other related services. In addition, the company
applies appropriate security measures to protect your data, including
cookies, against unauthorized access and data loss.

Protection of personal data:


Protection of personal data is one of the most important issues for our site and we pay special attention to it. We are committed to complying with all legislative acts on the protection of personal data and to use them only within the limits of the law.

We collect and store personal data of our customers for the purpose of selling goods and providing services. At the same time, we undertake not to transfer the received personal data to third parties without your consent, except in cases provided by law.

We use personal data to carry out delivery and payment operations, to provide customer support, to analyze and improve the site and for marketing purposes.

We store personal data only for the period that is necessary to achieve the specified goals. At the same time, we ensure the protection of personal data against unauthorized access, loss, alteration or damage.

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